Sunday, July 29, 2007

I want to blog, really I do.

But I am not to thrilled with the fact that I can't simply remove a photo from my header. I have been trying for days now. I even did the whole clearing of the cookies and cache, etc. (Which I hate doing) and I still can't get rid of that dang blinkie. I have posted in the help group and got one response. Rat was nice and tried to help, but it wasn't a fix. Great little video though.

Such a simple thing but it makes my site look like crap. I want to come and write but instead I see that dang thing and get side tracked trying to get rid of it.

I am open for any thoughts and suggestions. I did post about it in the Help Group under "broken" or some forum like that.



Anonymous said...

Have you tried to load something else in its place? Maybe it just needs a "bump" to disappear.

Jamie said...

Thanks, but it doesn't even give me that option. It really looks to be a glitch of some sort. It tries to let me do it, but then just doesnt. Thanks though. That was a good thought.